Hi there.
I am a New Zealand trained and registered teacher with over 16 years of Junior class teaching experience.

I have a passion for literacy learning and especially teaching young children to read.
I am married and have two beautiful boys, aged 6 years and 4 years old.
While running my new entrant classroom I developed many resources that
supported and enhanced my teaching.
As is with many teachers, my Sunday afternoons consisted of planning and
creating support material for my weeks guided reading lessons… and every Monday
morning at the photocopier I would share my creations with my friends and
When I discovered I was having my first baby in 2009, my Sunday
afternoons became a precious rest time before the busy school week ahead and I
looked to online material to support my teaching instead. Unfortunately I was stumped. There seemed to be a gap where resources had a "generic" approach and although some parts of the material I found useful I
still couldn’t find resources that were a one stop shop and would clearly cover the
Learning Intentions I needed to teach and save me time.
I joked with a friend one day about selling my own work and from there
Great Little Readers grew.
The job of developing the quantity of resources needed to support an
online portal was much larger than I had ever imagined.
So by enlisting the help of several incredibly
talented teachers, (who I totally couldn't do without !!) and some brilliant young artists Great Little Readers has
grown into the amazing resource it is today.